August 23, 2023 – Podcast, Covid, and Misc News!

Hello Patients & Friends!

  • A new podcast: Interested in vertigo/dizziness, or why your feet may hurt? This new podcast over at Endurance Planet will give you some helpful information!
  • Covid-19 is back? Hey, it’s never going to be gone. Get used to it, and get used to the media constantly scaring you. Symptoms this time seem to be head and gut related: nausea, upset GI system, sore throat, slight fever, ear aches, and other similar “head cold” type symptoms. Our Immune Page is still testing well so stick with it as most of you have for three years now!
  • Supplements: We’ve had a great response to our new supplement “program” which will be starting on September first. If you missed it, or haven’t read through it, please read all about it here. There still does seem to be a bit of confusion for some, but I feel that if you read through the FAQs at the bottom of that link, you’ll have all your questions answered. A common one we had this week:
    • I order a couple products that you prescribe me directly from an authorized Thorne distributor, but get the rest from you, is that okay?
      • As mentioned above, you’ll need to bring these products in every time and no, we will not ship your other products free of charge.
  • The office schedule is really full! There are currently no open spots for over two months but we have a wait-list as usual to move people in as spots open up. Please let all your family and friends who might be interested in becoming a patient know to get on the wait-list. I am not scheduling any new patients currently on the wait-list until 2024 and the current new patient wait is probably going to be around April or May 2024.

I hope to see you soon!
Dr. Gangemi

August 23, 2023 – Podcast, Covid, and Misc News!