November 4, 2023: Book Club and Podcast – Migraines & Ankle Sprains

Hello Patients & Friends!

  • Book Discussion Club: My wife MaryBeth is starting a book discussion club. Here is the info for the first one if you’re interested:  Vax-Unvax: Let the science speak is a book written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Brian Hooker.
    • The book summarizes the findings of over 100 papers published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature which examine clinical outcomes of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed patients. It’s also available on audio, if you can overlook a few mispronounced words.

      DATE: Saturday November 18 @ 10am EST on Zoom! So you have two weeks to read the book and join the conversation.

      Join the Zoom Meeting:
      Meeting ID: 837 692 6446
      Passcode: SHC

  • Podcast! My most recent podcast discusses migraines and ankle sprains – especially recurrent sprains & strains. Learn why migraines occur and how we treat them naturally in the office and even how they can be linked to your ankles being unstable! Here’s the link!


  • Yes we’re renovating/expanding the office! As many of you know, we will essentially be doubling the doctor count at Systems Health Care in 2024. My son-in-law Zach will start his internship towards the end of this month and then he will have his license to practice in January 2024. My daughter, Makayla, will start her internship in January and have her license to practice in August 2024. To prepare for this, the current garage space is being renovated into two treatment rooms and a bathroom. Essentially this north side of the office will mirror the south side where Dr. Schuler and I currently treat patients. Please excuse the dust and a bit of chaos over the next couple of months. We should be done in early December!
  • Coronavirus and other viruses are back with a vengeance! Hey, they’re never going to be gone. Get used to it, and get used to the media constantly scaring you. Symptoms this time seem to be head and gut related: nausea, upset GI system, sore throat, slight fever, ear aches, and other similar “head cold” type symptoms. Our Immune Page is still testing well so stick with it as most of you have for three years now!

November 4, 2023: Book Club and Podcast – Migraines & Ankle Sprains